" Although This Guidance Should Have Been Released Six Weeks Ago, We Made Be On The Road Back To Normal."
May 14, 2021 By Amber Hawthorne, Reporting For: Englebrook Independent News, With Art Fletcher, Supporting.
Gearing up for summer, many of us in America are surly eager to revert back to what we once new as normal living. But before we celebrate and throw out our different styles of masks, some designs that had become part of our everyday attire, it maybe a good idea to read the guidelines laid out by the CDC.
As you may be aware, there have been a number of fluctuations in guidelines previously given to Americans by the CDC, in preventing the contraction or transmission of the Covid-19 Virus.
With yesterday's announcement, as the CDC eases the masking requirements for those who have been fully vaccinated, where will this leave unvaccinated individuals, and for some who may be hesitant in receiving the vaccine. According to the CDC's Director, these individuals still remain at risk of contracting the virus, which could lead to mild or severe illness or even death. Which may not allow them to return to pre-pandemic normal.
Although, with approximately one-third of the nation fully vaccinated, there are many who have only received one shot, and others who have not followed the vaccine trend. These individuals may be required to take precautions with social distancing and the wearing of Personal Protective Equipment, ( Masks ).
It may seem that we are finally rounded the bend in returning to some sort of normality. For many, agreeing to be vaccinated doesn't sit well with them, whether from a previous bad experience, or they have doubts whether the vaccine is effective. For whatever reason they may have, we need to remember it's their prerogative to get or not to get vaccinated.
During questions from reporters, one reporter asked Walensky, with the recent members of the Yankees testing positive for covid, should there be concern if the vaccines are effective in combating known covid variants, and potentially other variants that may appear. Walensky responded, " that we follow the science, and all data shows and in real world settings the vaccines seem to be effective. "
Although we are returning to normal, we need to remember per yesterday's announcement, we will still be required to wear masks on planes and within airport setting, along with trains and in their stations and in any other forms of public transportation. We will keep you updated as if and requirements change.