" First China & Ukraine's Private Energy Company Burisma Pays Millions To Hunter Biden, Know We Have Potential Sales Of Art, This Is Just Another Influence Peddling Scheme."
July 26, 2021 By Art Fletcher & Leo Madison Reporting For: Englebrook Independent News,
WASHINGTON, DC.- As more comes to light in the ongoing criticism mounting against the President's son, Hunter Biden, Former Obama Ethics Chief Walter Shaub slams Hunter Biden for the upcoming art exhibition where buyers are expected to shell out up to $500,000 for Biden's paintings.
The White House falsely claimed the Art Dealer would keep the identities of the buyers secret, only for it to leak that Hunter Biden would indeed meet the individuals paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for his paintings.
" They've put an Art Dealer in charge of keeping a secret," Shaub told CNN's New Day. " And really what he's doing is keeping a secret from the public because eventually, Hunter Biden or people in The White House will learn who's it's going to be, in fact, Hunter Biden, we now know, is going to be at two Art Showings where he will meet the universe of bidders on his art. So they left this detail out when they said he had know way of knowing who was buying his art."
It looked to many critics like another influence peddling scheme where Foreign Lobbyists and Americans with business before the government have a chance to buy access to The Biden White House.
Shaub deemed this shady announcement " Profiting Off The Presidency " and demanded The White House make public the list of buyers as well as if any of the buyers subsequently arranged a meeting at The White House.
" Ideally, Hunter Biden wouldn't be doing this because it sure looks like Profiting Off The Presidence," Shaub continued. " But if they couldn't talk him out of doing it, there is something that's within control. They could promise us today if they happen to learn who any of the buyers are, they will notify us immediately, and they will tell us again if any of those buyers get a meeting with The White House or any other Political Appointee." But that does not appear to be likely.
As The Administration is covering up the numbers of Breakthrough Covid cases at The White House, transparency on Hunter Biden's Artwork seems unlikely, or forthcoming.
As potential buyers plan to shell out hundreds of thousand dollars for paintings by an alleged artist who has never sold a painting before, you should be aware that a Pablo Picasso painting that was found in a Maine home's closet sold last month for $150,000, plus a 24 percent buyer's premium at an action.
The absurdity of Hunter Biden's artwork selling for $500,000, because of his art talent is beyond the realm of reality. This is just another scheme by the Biden's to defraud the American public.
The U.S. Department of Justice should launch an investigation into the White House's deception and hold the Biden's accountable, well that will never happen, remember The Justice Department chose not to continue an investigation into Hunter Biden's tax fraud allegations, for the millions of dollars of payments he received from China and Burisma.
FILED UNDER JULY 26, 2021: WASHINGTON, NATIONAL, POLITICS: First Published July 26, 2021 8:51 a.m. 2021 Englebrook Media Group, LLP. All Rights Reserved: This Material May Not Be Published, Broadcast, Rewritten, Or Redistributed Without Prior Written Consent.