"Now Might Be The Time For Nikki Haley To Drop Out Of The 2024 GOP Primary After Suffering A Loss Last Night To "None Of These Candidates."
Wednesday, February 7, 2024, 11:30 A.M. ET. By George Petruska: Englebrook Independent News,
RENO, NV.- Today, it might be time for GOP Presidential Candidate Nikki Haley to reconsider her run for President in The 2024 Election. In an embarrassing defeat in yesterday's 2024 Nevada GOP Presidential Primary, Haley lost by a 2-to-1 vote to "None Of These Candidates."
The No-Name and No-Face Ballot Choice, who made absolutely no campaign appearances or spent not one dime on advertising received 62 Percent of the Votes, with Haley winning only 32 Percent of the Votes.
However, the loss is basically meaningless because Former President Trump decided to pass on the Nevada Presidential Primary and instead is slated to win The GOP Caucuses Thursday Night. The Victory on Thursday will give him all 26 State Delegates.
Last Night's loss is a setback for The Former South Carolina Governor who came in third in Iowa and second in New Hampshire.
Last night's stunning loss for Haley, just shows the power of Donald Trump on The Republican Base, who continues to win nominating contests and polls well among Republican Primary Voters even though Trump is facing 91 Felony Counts and Civil Lawsuits that could cost him Hundreds of Millions of Dollars. Although Haley was positive after coming second in New Hampshire, last night's defeat reveals that Haley is not gaining the traction she needs to be a serious challenge to Trump.
The Haley Campaign downplayed the importance of the Nevada Primary, complaining it had been arranged for a Trump Victory, by a State Party supportive of the Front-Runner.
"In terms of Nevada, we have not spent a dime nor an ounce of energy on Nevada. We made the decision early on that we were not going to pay $55,000 to a Trump entity to participate in a process that was rigged for Trump," Betsy Ankney, Haley's campaign manager, said in a conference call on Monday with reporters.
The next stop will be Haley's home State of South Carolina, where all polls are showing that Trump is leading Haley by double digits. With these recent polls, it is becoming apparent that Haley needs to consider Suspending her campaign.