
Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Lindenwold Daycare Teacher Additional Charged


     " Maggie Fruit Of Somerdale Has Been Additional Charged With Nine Counts Of Aggravated Assault, Eight Counts Of Child Endangerment & Four Counts Of Criminal Restraint."

September 8, 2021 By Art Fletcher Reporting For: Englebrook Independent News,

LINDENWOLD, NJ.- On Wednesday, September 8, 2021 Acting Camden County Prosecutor Jill S. Mayer and Lindenwold Borough Police Chief Michael P. McCarthy announced the Filing of Additional Charges against Maggie Fruit, 21, of Somerdale.

     On July 15, 2021, Members of The Lindenwold Borough Police Department responded to The Forever Young Daycare after a Child's mother witnessed him being abused by Fruit, his classroom teacher. As part of the investigation, Police Officers review video surveillance from that day. As a result, Maggie Fruit was Charged with First Degree Attempted Murder and Third Degree Endangering the Welfare of a Child, for Assaulting two One-Year-Old Children.

     During a Detention Hearing one week later in Camden County Superior Court, over the objection from The State Ms. Fruit was released on Pretrial Monitoring.

     Ms. Fruit had been working at The Daycare Center for a short time as the lead teacher in charge of a classroom of One-Year-Old Children.

     Investigators from The Camden County Prosecutor's Office Specials Victims Unit and The Lindenwold Borough Police Department continued the investigation by reviewing video surveillance footage prior to the initial incident, revealing that Ms. Fruit had additional abused Six other Children under her care at the Center.

     Investigators determined that based upon the ensuing investigation that Ms. Fruit would be additional charged. As such, Ms. Fruit has been Charged with Nine Counts of Aggravated Assault; Eight Counts of Endangering the Welfare of a Child; and Four Counts of Criminal Restraint.

     Ms. Fruit was arrested and lodged in The Camden County Correctional Facility pending a Detention Hearing.

" The Rules Of The Court Require Us To Include A Statement, Which States: The Charges Outlined In This Publication Are Merely Accusations And The Defendant And Or Defendants Are Presumed Innocent Unless And Until Proven Guilty Beyond Reasonable Doubt."

FILED UNDER SEPTEMBER 8, 2021: LAW, CAMDEN:  First Published September 8, 2021, 4:21 p.m. 2021 Englebrook Media Group,LLP. All Rights Reserved; This Material May Not Be Published, Broadcast, Rewritten, Or Redistributed Without Prior Written Consent.


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