
Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Biden Visits New York & New Jersey Today


     " Biden Will Survey Damage Today Caused By The Remnants From Ida, Biden's Visit Is Nothing More Than A Publicity Stunt & To Push For His $3.5 Trillion Infrastructure Package."

September 7, 2021 By Art Fletcher Reporting For: Englebrook Independent News,

MANVILLE, NJ.- President Biden accompanied by Governor Phil Murphy, today will visit Manville, New Jersey to survey the flooding damage caused by the remnants from Hurricane Ida, which dumped up to ten inches of rain in three hours in New Jersey last Wednesday evening.

     Biden during his visit, will once again promise residents of the flood ravaged community that help is on the way, Biden along with Phil Murphy will then seize the moment not to let a good disaster go to waste, as the two push for The $3.5 Trillion spending package in order to combat the current climate crisis.

     Over the past 50 years residents of Manville and surrounding communities have experienced numerous catastrophic flooding events, and were able to recover with little or no help from Federal Aid. 

     Nearly 22 years ago, Hurricane Floyd, a Tropical Storm by the time it hit New Jersey, combined with a weather system from the west dumped nearly 12 inches of rain within 5 hours in the Hunterdon, Middlesex, and Somerset County areas of New Jersey, bringing devastating flooding to the Raritan River Basin.

     Over the next 20 years, although two other major storms rolled through New Jersey, once again causing extensive flooding damage to those communities located in the Raritan River Basin, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers  finalized their planning phase and began construction on several sections of a flood project to stem the flooding in surrounding communities in the Raritan River Basin, having completing only one part of The Green Brook Flood Control Project, as Ida rolled into New Jersey, which would secure Bound Brook, New Jersey from severe flooding.

     The Green Brook Flood Control Project, first proposed in 1973, two years after Hurricane Doria rolled through New Jersey at the end of August, 1971, devastating towns located within Middlesex, Somerset, and Union Counties causing an estimated cost of damage at that time of $17.75 Million. 

     In June, 2016, 43 years later from the proposal of The Green Brook Flood Control Project, The Army Corps of Engineers fully completed just one section of the project, which was The Bound Brook Section, for a total cost of $111 Million. But that section failed during last weeks flooding event by Ida, when a NJ Transit Train became lodged due to flood damage to the tracks, which prevented the floodgate to be closed allowing Bound Brook to once again sustain catastrophic damage.

     Today, as Biden visits New Jersey along with Phil Murphy the two will shift the blame from the failed Government response to these issues, blaming climate change in order to garner support for his Trillions of dollars in spending, residents will have to pray and hold their breaths that another storm does not roll into New Jersey and destroy their homes and businesses, or claim their lives.

     Yes climate change is a serious issue that must be addressed, but so is Government waste and procrastination. As Biden pushes for spending to combat climate change, you need to understand that the average carbon footprint for a person in The United States is 16 Tons annually, one of the highest in The World. Biden has failed to stop the flow of illegal immigration through our Southern Border, we have already seen over 1,300,000 encounters to date and that number is expected to exceed 2,000,000 by the end of 2021, as Biden fails to corrected the crisis at the Border, America's Carbon Footprint will be increased by 35,200,000 Tons of CO2 Emissions, by the end of 2021.


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