
Thursday, May 20, 2021

General Pelosi


     " Pelosi's Move In Fining Republicans For Not Wearing Masks Is Absurd In The House Is Nothing More Than A Political Power Play By Democrats."

May 20, 2021 By Art Fletcher & Leonard Madison, Reporting For: Englebrook Independent News.

     Although, CDC last Thursday lifted all mask requirements and social distancing requirements for fully vaccinated people, whether they are either in an outdoor or indoor settings, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi finds the need to not follow the science, in the Chamber of The House of Representatives.

     As of Yesterday, Pelosi has levied five hundred dollar fines against six Republican members of Congress for not wearing masks,while in the chamber.

    " Best $500 I ever spent," Republican Rep. Brian Mast told NBC News. He refused to put his mask on, even after a member of The House Sergeant of Arms' Office approached him on the chamber floor Tuesday evening, asking to wear one.

      Mast was one of several Republican lawmakers seen on The House Floor without a face covering as part of the protest of the rule after the CDC issued its new guidelines. House rules require lawmakers to wear a face mask unless addressing the chamber.

     " We've had enough." "We are refusing to wear our masks on the floor, during this vote in spite of Pelosi's threat to take $500 from each of us." " Her rule is not based on science," tweeted Republican Rep. Tom Massie.  

     Additionally, House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy offered a privileged resolution yesterday that would have loosened mask requirements, The Democratically-Controlled House tabled it.

     Speaker Nancy Pelosi made it clear yesterday she has had enough.

     " Members and staff are currently required to wear masks at all times in the halls of the House except when a member has been recognized by the chair, or when a member acting as chair is speaking," she said when she opened the chamber Wednesday morning.

     Pelosi has said the mask rule will stay in place until 100% of lawmakers are vaccinated. The Office of The Attending Physician has said about 75% are currently vaccinated.

     Pelosi's Office said if McCarthy wanted the mask rules relaxed he should get his members vaccinated.

     Although, some may believe that Pelosi's rule is for theatrics, the   reality is that by enforcing a rule that is not based on science, but a rule for a potential Democratic authoritarian power play to control not only the GOP but America in a whole. 

      What gives Nancy Pelosi and Democrats the right, to strip one's basic right of choice in deciding what is medically best for them. 

     We to need to prepare ourselves for what maybe coming in the future, such as travel restrictions which in all areas are presently being enforced. Wait next if you are unvaccinated you will be banned from sporting events, or will be segregated and forced to sit away from others, like individuals who lived in the 12th and 13th century, afflicted with leprosy, and in the near future you may be restricted from retail centers. 

     What about the 31,000, 000 Covid-19 reported cases where people contracted and recovered, and now have the antibodies. We must understand that Sars-Cov2 is a very serious and life threatening virus that has taken the lives of over 587,000 americans. 

     Our Government officials can only blame themselves for vaccine hesitancy today, as our current President often says " Come On Man" can you blame us for doubting, when all we've been given is nothing but misinformation since the beginning, instead of just being honest! 




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