
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Mount Laurel Man Additional Charged


     " Edward Matthews, Additionally Charged Along With 4 Others After Burlington Prosecutor's Office Concludes Investigation Into 14 Months Of Bias Harassment & Intimidation."

October 6, 2021 By Art Fletcher Reporting For: Englebrook Independent News,

MOUNT LAUREL, NJ.- On Tuesday, October 5, 2021 Burlington County Prosecutor Scott Coffina announced  that the Mount Laurel, New Jersey man arrested in July for Bias Intimidation of his neighbors and other crimes has been charged with leaving a threatening note on one of his victim’s cars earlier this year, and also vandalizing the victim’s vehicle.

     Edward Mathews, 45, of Gramercy Way in Mount Laurel, was charged  with Fourth Degree Bias Intimidation and a Disorderly Persons Offense of Harassment. Mr. Matthews was served with the charges in The Burlington County Jail in Mount Holly, where he has been held since his July 5, 2021 Arrest.

     The investigation of Mr. Mathews, conducted by The Prosecutor’s Office and The Mount Laurel Police Department, has now resulted in Twenty Two Separate Charges against him since July 2, 2021, including Bias Intimidation, Harassment, Criminal Mischief, Possession of a Weapon (Slingshot) For an Unlawful Purpose, Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance with Intent to Distribute, Stalking, Certain Persons Not to Have Weapons, and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. The charges are pending presentation to a grand jury for possible indictment.

     The Racially Charged Words and Actions of Mr. Mathews against his neighbors on July 2, 2021 went viral on social media and resulted in a large protest outside of his residence three days later, the same day he was arrested.

     Mount Laurel Police Department Officers who took him into custody had to work their way through the crowd to place him into a patrol vehicle. Four people who were in the crowd were charged today with crimes that included discharging pepper spray at the police and Mathews, damaging property, and spitting at the police. 

     Tawanda M. Jones, 48, of Park Boulevard in Camden,New Jersey is accused of Discharging Pepper Spray onto the Officers who were apprehending Mr. Mathews. She has been charged with Third Degree Possession of a Weapon for an Unlawful Purpose; Fourth Degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon; Fourth Degree Aggravated Assault on a Police Officer; Disorderly Persons Offense of Simple Assault; and a Disorderly Persons Offense of Disorderly Conduct.

     Daniel A. Harris, 25, of Cooper Street in Beverly, New Jersey is accused of throwing a brick like object through a window at Mr. Mathews’ residence just after he was taken into custody. He has been Charged with Fourth Degree Criminal Mischief and a Disorderly Persons Offense of Disorderly Conduct.

     Christopher D. Staples, 21, of Colgate Avenue in Pemberton, New Jersey is accused of throwing rocks toward officers as they were walking the defendant to the Mount Laurel Police Vehicle. The rocks struck the vehicle, causing nearly $600 in damage. He has been Charged with Fourth Degree Criminal Mischief and a Disorderly Persons Offense of Disorderly Conduct.

     Khalil Wilson, 18, of Coventry Way in Mount Laurel, New Jersey is accused of spitting toward Police Officers while standing on top of a vehicle as they escorted Mr. Mathews from his home. He has been Charged with Fourth Degree Throwing Bodily Fluids at Law Enforcement Officers and Disorderly Persons Offense of Disorderly Conduct.

     The Charges against the Four Individuals were filed on a summons for each defendant. They were not taken into custody. First appearances in Superior Court will be scheduled in the near future.

     “The outrage sparked by Mathews’ conduct on the viral video does not give permission to anyone to commit unprovoked assaults upon police officers or acts of vandalism,” Prosecutor Coffina said. “These were blatant crimes, caught on video, and the individuals responsible must be held accountable, regardless of whether they were committed in the midst of a protest or at any other time.”

     The most recent charge against Mr. Mathews was filed after a handwriting analysis performed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation revealed that a threatening note left on a neighbor’s vehicle in January had been written by Mr. Mathews. Feces also had been smeared on the vehicle.

     Prior to July, multiple complaints had been lodged with Mount Laurel Police concerning Mathews’ behavior, dating to 2016, but no charges had been filed. This led to allegations by some that the department was showing favoritism toward Mathews and failed to investigate the accusations made against him.

     As a result, The Prosecutor’s Office announced on July 6, 2021 that it would undertake an Independent Review of all previous incidents reported to Mount Laurel police involving Mr. Mathews, and also MLPD’s response to them.

     Tuesday, The Prosecutor’s Office is releasing the results of its review. Among other findings, the review found no indication of favoritism shown toward Mr. Mathews, and that neither individual MLPD officers, nor the department as a whole, failed to investigate or were dismissive of the complaints raised by his neighbors. However, the report notes that MLPD generally viewed the complaints raised by Essex Place residents on a case-by-case basis, rather than taking a problem-oriented approach. With a broader perspective on the situation in the community, MLPD might have been able to devise an effective solution and brought relief to the residents Mr. Mathews had victimized sooner than his July 2, 2021 arrest.

     “We empathize with the residents of Essex Place who were on the receiving end of Mathews’ conduct,” Prosecutor Coffina commented about the report released today. “No one should have to endure racial harassment anywhere, but especially not in their own neighborhood and even in their own home.”

" The Rules Of The Court Require Us To Include A Statement, Which States: The Charges Outlined In This Publication Are Merely Accusations And The Defendant And Or Defendants Are Presumed Innocent Unless And Until Proven Guilty Beyond Reasonable Doubt."


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