
Friday, August 20, 2021

Since 1972 Everything Out Of Biden's Mouth Is Factual Untrue


     " Since 1972 From Academic Achievements, Civil Rights, Plagiarized Speeches, To His Being Raised In African American Church, & The Most Vial Of All The Death Of His Wife & Young Daughter, You Can't Believe Anything Out Of His Mouth."

August 20, 2021 Opinion By: Englebrook Independent News,

WASHINGTON, DC.- As America awaits in anticipation for President Biden's 1:30 p.m. Press Briefing today, to address the nation on the unfolding events in Afghanistan, although we hope to hear some kind of plan for the safe evacuation of Americans and Afghan counterparts from the Taliban's tyrannical takeover of the country, I think most of us already know what we will hear, nothing but fabrications of the reality that is currently transpiring in real time in Afghanistan.

     Today, President Biden will blame the Afghan Military, and the Afghan people for his failed Foreign Policy decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, and the outright denial of facts from The U.S. Intelligence Community that the country would collapse if he pulled the U.S. Troops out. 

     As Biden hid at Camp David, and failed to provide america with some explanation to the catastrophe from the events in Afghanistan, instead america was briefed by the administration officials, that do not even know the number of americans that are in Afghanistan, or how many weapons and aircraft fell into the Taliban's hands.

     On Wednesday, August 18, 2021, at 4:30 p.m., Biden addressed the nation opening with, "Good Afternoon, I'd like to make an important announcement today in our work to get every american vaccinated and protected from the Delta Virus-the Delta Variant of Covid-19."

     " I just got a lengthy briefing from my Covid Team, and here's the latest, the latest data confirms we're still in a pandemic of the unvaccinated."

     Why is Biden briefing the nation on Covid, when thousands of americans could potentially be taken as hostages, and tens of thousands of Afghan civilians will be slaughter by the Taliban. 

     Since campaigning for the Senate in 1972 and being sworn in to the Senate in 1973, Biden over his 49 year career in politics has had a problem with telling the truth, we all have come to realize that most politicians, embellish, twist the truth or fabricate facts. But Biden for years has habitually lied and made false claims, to the point of being pathological.

     Some of Biden's foulest lies over the years, have never been challenged, nor has Biden been held accountable for them. On numerous occasions, Biden has claimed he was an activist and an organizer within the Civil Rights Movement, that he trained he trained as a Civil Rights Activist in Black Churches, that he participated in Civil Rights Sit-Ins, Boycotts, and Marches, Biden has claimed that he was raised in Black Churches. None of those claims are true, not even slightly true. It's all a complete fabrication.

     Biden has lied about his career in coal mining in Pennsylvania, he has lied about his arrest in South Africa when visiting Nelson Mandela. 

     Demographics and census records from the 1940's through the 1950's for Lackawanna County and Scranton, Pennsylvania showed that African Americans comprised only 2.83 percent of the total population of Lackawanna County where Biden was raised. Church Congregation records from the 1940's through the end of the 1950's there were only two  African American Churches in Lackawanna County one 23 miles from Biden's childhood home and the other 18 miles from his home.

     As far as Biden working in Pennsylvania coal mines, we could not find any records of employment, further Biden's Father worked in the manufacturing industry making sealants for U.S. Battleships. The closest President Biden ever came to working in the coal mining industry, was when he was given a $5 dare to climb a coal spoils pile, which he did.

     Biden has plagiarized speeches from the late Robert Kennedy and even from the late President John F. Kennedy, and another from Hubert Humphrey.

     One of Biden's lies is not only reprehensible, but is the foulest and vial to it's core.

     In 1972, after Biden's first wife Nelia, and his daughter, Naomi were killed in a auto accident, Biden immediately claimed that Curtis C. Dunn, the driver of the truck that hit the Bidens, was drunk  at the time of the accident. Another outright lie.

     The facts are that Biden's wife failed to yield to the right of way, Mr. Dunn put his life in jeopardy when trying to avoid hitting Biden's wife's vehicle, and after the accident tried to render aid to the Biden family. The Delaware Superior Court Judge Jerome O. Herlihy, who oversaw the Police Investigation as Chief Prosecutor, said there was absolutely no evidence whatsoever supporting Joe Biden's claim, in fact Curtis Dunn was cleared of any wrongdoing.

     For over 49 years of public life, Joe Biden has shown himself to have an increased propensity to lie. Biden has lied to his professors. He has lied to his constituents. He has lied about his academic achievements. He has lied about his speeches. He has lied about his rights of Civil Rights. He has even lied about the tragic death of his wife and daughter, he continues to lie about his son Hunter and his involvement in the Ukraine and The Chinese Communist Party.

     Biden has continued to lie about our Southern Border, and blaming others for the surge in illegal immigration.

     As Afghanistan has fallen to the Taliban over the past week, harrowing images have emerged from not only the airport in Kabul of Afghans scrambling to flee the country, with some clinging to the exterior of planes, and falling to their deaths, images are now coming to light of Taliban fighters going door to door and killing people.  

      Biden takes no responsibility for his failure in Afghanistan, as The U.S. State and Defense Department continue to throw each other under the bus,  Biden and The Administration have absolutely no plan therefore,  Thousands of Afghans will die and Thousands of Americans will most likely become hostages.

     Biden is more concerned about his $3.5 Trillion infrastructure package than tens of thousands of people stranded behind enemy lines in Afghanistan. 

     Biden needs to resign immediately or be impeached for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, Biden has armed our enemy the Taliban with weapons left behind.

     Commander in Chief, just another lie. Even Former President Obama has said that everyone of Biden's Foreign Policy decisions have been nothing but failures. Biden had stated that this would be nothing like the withdrawal from Saigon, well he didn't lie about that, it's worse than the fall of Saigon in 1975, at least President Ford removed the weapons, and didn't arm the North Vietnamese. 

FILED AUGUST 20, 2021: NATIONAL, WORLD:                              


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