
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Amanda For You: Healthy Eating-Intermittent Fasting

The Benefits Of Healthy Eating Combined With Intermittent Fasting Will Increase Your Daily Vitality

Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 12:45 P.M. ET. 3 Minute Read, By Amanda Scarlata: Englebrook Independent News,

MORRISTOWN, NJ. Good morning. As I mentioned in my last article, a healthy diet is a massive part of your fitness journey. Many of us have often needed help consuming the proper and balanced food to achieve our weight goals.

     As previously stated, there are many fad diets in which people cut out certain food groups or limit their calorie intake dramatically. The real question is, does this really work, and what harm are these diets causing to your bodies?

     Since beginning my workout journey, I have tried "cutting" my calorie intake when I wanted to lean down or "bulking up" when I wanted to gain more muscle, but I still felt I wasn't doing what was suitable for my well-being. I tried increasing my protein intake to maintain my muscle mass in the gym and even increasing my daily meals, like others were doing, but I did not see the results I had hoped for.

     Yes, I was working out and continuing to stay active every day to burn off the calories I consumed, but I was not where I wanted to be physically and mentally. I constantly felt drained and, at times, bloated and just not comfortable with myself.

     About a year ago, I set out on a moderate lifestyle change while staying focused, dedicated, and consistent in obtaining my goals. A friend and personal trainer mentioned that he had begun intermittent fasting to hopefully lose some weight and lean down, which was also my goal. He explained that he would only consume food or snacks at 12:00 p.m. or shortly after that every day to shorten the window of hours in which he could eat. I thought to myself, what's the worst that could happen? I decided to try it out for a week or so, and if I found out it was not for me, I would stop.

     This can be a very controversial topic for many of us because we have been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but I have learned this may not be the case for everyone. After hearing about intermittent fasting, I considered my schedule and what would work best for me. Since I have always been an early riser and enjoyed working out in the mornings, I forced myself to eat something, even if it was just a banana or a piece of toast, before I began my workout routine, thinking it would provide me energy. Still, I began to notice it was doing the exact opposite.

     I would feel full and sluggish during my workouts, so I decided to start my morning workouts without eating to see how I felt. Quickly, I noticed I started not to feel so sluggish and was able to increase the time of my workouts. For many of my friends and clients, it appeared that I was starving myself and only eating after I completed my routine or even waiting until noon. 

     Within a few days, I figured out what was working best for me, and I learned that allowing myself a twelve-hour window to eat my meals and snacks helped me feel a lot better throughout the day.

     Finally, within a year, I have reached my weight goal, and I am still only allowing myself the other twelve-hour window to consume my meals. I am still focused on my meals and having a high-protein intake, but I no longer force myself to eat in the morning when I am not feeling hungry just because my family and friends have always told me that breakfast is a must.

     I have also learned that there is a huge misconception that eating late at night or right before bed is terrible for you. However, following the proper diet and, as I have done, giving what I call my "12-Hour Reset" has allowed me to maintain my ideal weight and has increased my overall energy level. I found that I can still have a late-night snack if I choose.

     I'm not telling you to immediately change your daily routine and begin intermittent fasting. Still, start out slowly and see if you notice a change in your energy levels and weight. Remember, you need to find out what time frame of the day works best for you to achieve your weight loss goals. It has worked for me.

     My goal is for your future and to help you girls find out what works for you and gain confidence in your everyday life. In the upcoming weeks, I will discuss this in more detail and provide you with some quick and straightforward recipes to maintain your health and well-being. If you have any questions, reach out to me any time at







Saturday, August 24, 2024

Amanda For You: Healthy Eating Habits

Eating Less Is Not The Answer, Eating Right Will Result In Proper Weight Loss

Saturday, August 24, 2024, 6:00 A.M. ET. 3 Minute Read, By Amanda Scarlata: Englebrook Independent News,

MORRISTOWN, NJ.- I want to discuss the importance of healthy eating and how it affects your body and well-being during workouts. Many of you often forget that consuming a healthy diet significantly impacts reaching your weight loss and fitness goals.

     Many of you are unaware that undereating can also negatively impact your body. You may think that losing weight means eating less and working out more, but this is often not true. Doing so may even slow your metabolism, making losing weight more complex.

     As mentioned in my last article, my weight has fluctuated over the past few years, and I struggled to find what works best for me and my goals. I get asked almost daily what my secret is or what I did to reduce my weight, and my answer is simple: consistency. Everybody and our bodies are different, so finding what works best for you will help you astronomically. I know it's easier said than done, but sticking to a diet and workout plan and staying consistent will help you finally make a change.

     Since the start of the new year, I have lost around 25 pounds and achieved my goal to the point where I feel more confident by staying consistent.

     Today, there are many "fad" diets out there that many follow, like eating no carbohydrates or just consuming meat and proteins to help you reduce your weight rapidly. Unfortunately, once you stop that diet and return to eating normally, your body will put that weight back quicker than you can imagine. You should never deprive yourself of your favorite foods or snacks; just have them in moderation.

     Many friends and clients find it crazy that I occasionally indulge in fast food and sweets. When they ask for help with what to eat, I always tell them to have a balanced meal consisting of proteins, carbohydrates, and either fruit or vegetables.

     Your protein, whether it's chicken, red meat, seafood, or tofu, should be the main focus of your meal. A high-protein diet is a great way to start weight loss and a healthier well-being.

     Proteins are the building blocks for your bones and muscles, which means they help grow and repair your muscles after working out. A good rule to follow is to consume about 1 gram of protein per one pound of your body weight. The breaking down proteins in your body helps promote weight and fat loss while maintaining muscle mass, so providing your body with enough proteins to sustain healthy bone structure and muscle mass is essential.

     In conclusion, there is no miracle way to lose weight fast, but small lifestyle changes can make a huge impact. Throughout the upcoming weeks, I will discuss healthy eating for fitness and the benefits of eating during certain times of the day, which has also helped me a lot. I will also provide you with some healthy recipes and some of my high-protein meals and snacks.

     Feel free to contact me through my email or my social media platforms if you have any questions or what you would like to know.

      Remember, "A healthy lifestyle is the key to your health, well-being, and success."




Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Amanda For You, The Start Of Your Healthy Lifestyle

Through Health & Fitness, You Will Be Able To Transform Your Life, Accomplish & Fulfill Your True Desires

Wednesday, August 21, 2024, 6:30 A.M. ET. 2 Minute Read, By Amanda Scarlata: Englebrook Independent News,

MORRISTOWN, NJ. Good morning, everyone. I just wanted to start out by saying that, as promised, I am going to share my secrets to living life to its fullest through healthy eating and fitness with each and every one of you girls.

     Today, with the struggles that life throws your way, you find yourself becoming overwhelmed with just getting through the day. For many of you girls and guys, you find yourself becoming tired, unable to focus, and downright exhausted, just barely getting through the day.

     During my childhood and into my late teens, I was very active in playing sports in school, but I continued to struggle with fluctuations in my weight and felt something was missing. So I went on to receive a degree in Health Sciences and, during my studies, became a personal trainer. But once again, I felt something was missing, and Covid hit. During COVID-19, while I completed my education online, I transformed my life by becoming myself.

     We spend our entire lives dieting, exercising, and working out to become what we want people to see of us. Over the past few years, I have learned that you have to be happy with yourself and not worry about what others will think of you. 

     Once I started noticing and following Englebrook Independent News, I liked their reporting and premise, "Real News By Real People." 

     So, if you are ready to take the journey with me, I just want you to know I am just a real girl. I want to share my knowledge and help you transform your life into everything you ever wanted to be. 

     So, on Friday evening, I will publish an article on changing your diet to healthy eating so you can begin cleansing your body of unnecessary food additives and find yourself gaining, increasing energy, and focusing within less than two weeks.

     Starting Monday, August 26, 2024, my email will be active so that you can contact me with any questions about your fitness and healthy living needs. Over the next two weeks, I will provide you with daily menus. Then, starting the first week of September, I will bring you my daily 15-minute morning home workout.

     On Monday morning, you can reach me at








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